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How does this all work?


If you buy a poster or cards, I will donate ALL of the proceeds to the selected charity.


In order to keep things legal, this works much the same as your purchase of Newman's Own salad dressing.  I'll track your purchase as income and pay the corresponding taxes - and will send the donation to the appropriate charity and take the offsetting charitable deduction.  Which is my long way of saying "apologies but you don't get a tax deduction for your purchase".


When should I expect to receive the posters / cards?


Please allow up to 14 days just in case I go, you know, fishing.  But I will do my best to have them to you within a week.


Click here for a "gift card" that you can print out while you wait.  In the first blank, specify the occasion and in the next blank specify either "a poster" or "10 greeting cards".  At the bottom, specify the benefitting charity, print and sign.  Be sure to use Print Preview to print it out since there is no print function with this web design kit, so results may vary!


How did you pick these charities?


In a nutshell: I sit on the board of the Sister City Project, which has done (since way before me) incredible stuff down in Nagarote.  This painting project started in Crested Butte and Butteans are extremely proud of the Adaptive Ski Program.   Having blind and otherwise challenged skiers enthusiastically pound the mountain is humbling and inspiring.  A Duke pal who does Alzheimers Research specifically called out ADDF for how well they use their funding - and that's a disease that's taken a toll on my and many friends' families. And my stepmom has spent years working at the Institute for Families. I always marvel at her ability to help families through absolutely heartbreaking times.


What happens to my personal information?


Your personal information will not be used for any other purpose or shared with anyone.


Can I pay by check?


Yes.  Please email me directly at and I'll send you the instructions.


Did you do this all by yourself?


Nope. My neice painted one of the beads and my family provided endless encouragement while they also wondered  if there was anything slightly OCD about painting teeny designs with an almost hairless broken paintbrush.  Steve P was the one to suggest that I make a poster when I wondered WTH to do with an actual abacus that I'd bothered to paint.  Claire and Cindy suggested greeting cards. Bill Geiger photographed the beads and Roy Sewall volunteered invaluable help in the Photoshop department.  Dyan Pollack came up with the brilliant "Can we count on you?" tagline and design.   THANK YOU!!!!


Whom can I contact if I have questions?


Please email me at with any questions or comments.  Please allow 48 hours for responses.





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